Make sure you have the latest update:


How does it work?

FC View will no longer attempt to access your Flica Account. Instead, you will need to log into the website on your own in your device's default browser app (Safari/Chrome/etc). Once logged in, FC View will guide you through exporting your ICS calendar file and opening it with FC View.

Important distinction: This method does NOT use a webview within the app. It sends you externally to your device's default internet browser app (Safari/Chrome/etc).

Why the change?

The airline has announced that they are making these changes specifically to restrict 3rd party apps like FC View from accessing their internal networks. While FC View has been proud of the security, reliability, and service in supporting crews over the last 10+ years, this decision is understandable.

So, while there still may be workarounds available, it is not the intention of this app to behave maliciously or against the desires of the airline.

With that said, the airline so far has only conveyed interest in protecting their own internal networks and software. So, until I hear otherwise, I will still try to support those crews via other methods that don't require such access (like this device calendar export file that's available for you to download).

How do I upload my schedule into the app now?

Same as you always did: just pull-to-refresh on the Calendar page in the app.

FC View will show you a page with a few buttons that are just links to external websites to try to help make it as easy as possible to use:

1) Login

Tap the first button to open your company's login page in your device's default web browser (Safari/Chrome/etc).

That's it, don't do anything else. Just go back to the FC View app and go to Step 2.

2-4) Last Month, This Month, & Next Month

IMPORTANT: Completely import each month before moving on to the next month:

  1. Tap the "Last Month" button.
  2. Tap on "Send".
    • This will show a popup with the events listed.
  3. Open the file with FC View:
    • Apple: Tap on the Share icon () at the top of the popup.
      • DO NOT tap on "Add All". 
      • Tap the Share icon, then tap on "FC View" (the words, not the icon, the words might be above or below the icons), and it will open the file in the app. You'll see a green check next to the button indicating a successful import.
    • Android:Just hit Open and tap on the FC View icon. This will open the file in the app and you'll get a green checkmark next to the Button.

That's it. Once you get a green checkmark, then you can move on to the next month. Repeat that process for each month and then tap on "Process Schedule" at the bottom.

The entire login and refresh for all 3 months should only take 30-40 seconds once you get the hang of it.

See Can I skip a month? below.

The 'Process Schedule' button is greyed out?

The schedules aren't getting sent to FC View. Double check the instructions above and make sure you are following them to a tee.

On iOS, make sure you are tapping the "FC View" text button and not the icon (the text buttons are above or below the list of icons). The icon doesn't seem to do anything except dismiss the popups.

Once you see green checkmarks next to the associated buttons, then the Process Schedule button will be enabled.

Can I skip a month?

Yes. If you skip a month that you have already downloaded (like the previous month), then the app will just use what you last downloaded.

WARNING: Make sure you download the previous month at least once after finishing the month. This ensures that your history and calculations are based on actual times flown and not the originally scheduled times.

Friends: I can't see my friends?

(See Known Issues below for an issue with crashes on the iOS app)

If you can open the Friends page, but it's just an empty list, then at some point you have logged all the way out and then logged back in under a different account (email).

Go to the app's menu > Settings, expand the Flight Crew View Account section and tap on Logout.

Then log back in email that you were previously using.

Friends: I can only see my friend's schedules, not mine?

Just go to the app's menu > Settings and tap on Crewmember Import Setup.

That will guide you through getting your own schedule back into the app.

History: I can't see my history?

This was previously a known issue, but has been fixed. If you still can't see your history, then at some point you have logged all the way out and then logged back in under a different account (email).

Go to the app's menu > Settings, expand the Flight Crew View Account section and tap on Logout.

Then log back in with the email that you were previously using.

InitializeSessionData() failed?

Essentially, this means that you haven't logged in, but it can be due to a few different reasons. Just double check that you are logging in using the first button on the page. If you still get that message, see below:


  • Double check that Safari is not in Private Mode. See [Apple] I've logged in, but I get an error... below.
  • If you are not using Safari (but have Chrome or another browser set up, then you might see this when you hit "Send"). This is a known issue (see below) in Chrome where it will try to download the file using Safari, but of course you aren't logged in to Flica in Safari. Try changing the default browser to Safari for now. I'm working to see if I can send these links directly to Safari, regardless of your default browser.


  • Just make sure that you are logging in using the first button on the new refresh/login page.

[Apple] I've logged in, but I get an error when I tap on the other buttons (prev/current/next months)?

This can happen if your default device browser defaults to Private Mode. 

Safari: Open the windows/tabs in the Safari app (bottom-right button) and swipe away from "Private".

[Apple] It just opens a popup with the events?

Yep! Thats exactly how it's supposed to work. Just tap on the Share icon at the top (the box with an arrow). Then select FC View when it pops up.

[Apple] I tap the FC View icon, but nothing happens?

Make sure you tap on the "FC View" text button, not the icon. It is usually above or below the icons, you may have to scroll down to see it.

This is on my todo list to look into. It doesn't seem like that icon is working like it should.

[Android] A different app opens up when I open the file?

This can happen if another app has already been set up as a default for *.ics filetypes. 

Just figure out which app is opening (one of the calendars, probably), then:

  1. Open the device's Settings app (gear icon) and tap on Apps.
  2. Find the other app that's getting opened and tap on it.
  3. Select 'defaults' and then 'Clear defaults'.

That should let you choose Flight Crew View when you "Open" the file after it downloads.

[Android] When I tap to open the file in FC View, it starts over from the beginning?

This is a known issue (see below). If you are using Samsung Internet browser as your default, it seems to restart FC View with the file instead of just sending the file. 

I'm looking into this, but for now, you can set up Chrome as your default internet browser and that should get it working:

  1. On your Android device, open Settings .
  2. Tap Apps.
  3. Under “General,” tap Default apps or Choose default apps.
  4. Tap Browser app.
  5. Select Chrome.

Known Issues

  • Monthly & Daily Totals missing: These are no longer available in this download. I'm going to need to figure out if I can calculate them.
  • Report Times: These are only given for the first day, so I have to calculate them based on a 15-minute duty-off and the layover time that's given. IMPORTANT: These may be wrong! If you find one that is wrong, please report it to me via the Contact Developer option in the app's menu.
  • Safari browser on iOS: Make sure the browser is not in "Private" mode (see [Apple] I've logged in, but I get an error... above). Open Safari and tap to open the windows/tabs (bottom-right icon button) and swipe away from "Private" at the bottom.
  • FC View share icon on iOS: This doesn't seem to work. Scroll up or down and use the "FC View" text button.
  • Chrome browser on iOS: If Chrome is your default browser, it tries to open the calendar files in Safari, but of course you aren't logged in via Safari, so you get an error. I'm going to see if I can open all of the links in Safari, but for now, try making Safari your default browser.
  • Samsung browser on Android: If Samsung browser is your default, it tries to restart FC View instead of just sending over the file. This leads to a loss of state in the app and it loses it's place in the page. Please try setting up Chrome as your default for now until I can find a solution.
  • Crew List: This may take a while to repopulate. Also, the crew list is not part of this new download file,so your position (CA/FO/FA) is no longer known. I will have to add a Setting for you to manually enter this. I'm also not sure what to do about employee numbers. Maybe instead of employee numbers I can have you enter a date-of-hire? I'd be interested in feedback here.

Fixed Issues

  • Hotel Info [fixed Sep 14]: The airline-specific information wasn't showing. That should be fixed now and you may have to pull-to-refresh on that hotel page to get it back.
  • Logten Export [fixed in 3.8.12, Sep 16]: There is an issue with enabling this feature that was fixed in version 3.8.12, released Sep 16
  • Friend page [fixed in 3.8.12, Sep 16]: Some people are reporting crashes when viewing friends that was fixed in version 3.8.12, released Sep 16.
  • iPad [fixed in 3.8.12, Sep 16]: The refresh process does not work on iPad. It's having some trouble with switching back and forth between apps. This was fixed in version 3.8.12, released Sep 16.
  • OOOI, tail, and gate info for past flights [fixed Sep 17]: These were missing but should be showing now.
  • Skipping a month [fixed Sep 18]: Didn't work on first release. Should be working now so that it will load the other months if you've previously downloaded them. Might take a full refresh once to reset it.
  • History [fixed Sep 20]: The history needed some work to transfer into the new system. It should be available now. If not, make sure you are logged into the app with the same email that you created your account with.
  • Skipping a month [fixed Sep 21]: This was fixed on Sep 21. You will need to download those missing months again, but once you've done that, it should start working with just one month download going forward. Just make sure that you download the previous month at least once after the month is over so that the app has your "actual" times. See Can I skip a month? above for more.

If you have an issue that isn't on this page, please send a message via the Contact Developer option in the app's menu, or at