Before You Join

Read this section before you join. There is some important info here:

  • Errors
    • It's Beta. So it's perfect, right?!
    • You might be the only one to catch something before it goes public, so let me know!
  • Feedback
    • Use the "Contact Developer" option in the app's menu
    • Send me an email to [email protected]

iOS Instructions

  1. Read the “Before You Join” section above.
  2. Install Apple’s Test Flight app. It's like the App Store for Beta testers:
  3. Once you install Test Flight, ignore any requests for a pin number. Just tap on the following invitation link (this must be done on your iOS device):
    • Flight Crew View iOS Testing Invitation
    • NOTE: If you see the message “This beta isn't accepting any new testers right now”, then we currently do not have a Beta version in testing right now. In that case, send an email to [email protected] and ask to be notified when the next Beta build is available so that you can join Beta testing.
  4. That invitation link will open the Flight Crew View listing in the Test Flight app. You will then be able to install the Beta version.

Android Instructions

  1. Read the “Before You Join” section above.
  2. You can join the Open Beta testing by opting in at the following link:
  3. Once you have opted in, you will be able to update to the Beta version in the Play Store app:

Unsubscribe From Beta

If you join the testing track and later wish to unsubscribe from testing, you can follow these instructions:

  • iOS
    • Just uninstall Flight Crew View and reinstall from the iTunes App Store app (not Test Flight). You may continue to review Beta versions in the future if you wish (from the Test Flight app).
  • Android
    • Browse to the Android App Testing – Flight Crew View page, the same page where you joined the beta program.
    • In the Leave the testing program section, click the Leave the program link. A confirmation message will appear shortly, stating You left the testing program.
    • You may rejoin the test program in the future if you wish.